K23D-1.2-B K23D-2-B K23D-2-B K23D-3B K23D-1.2-L K23D-2-L K23D-2-L K23D-3-L
K23D series micro solenoid valvesare the basic elements in pneumatic transmission system often used us the pilot control of big flow rate directional valves and that is why they are called solenoid pilot. They can also be used to control directly the execution mechanism with small air flow rate.
公稱通徑 Dia(mm):1.2 2 3
有效截面積S值 Effective sectional area S value(mm2): 0.8 2 4
工作壓力 Working pressure(MPa):0~0.8
耐 壓 Pressure bearing(MPa):1.2
換向時間 Diverting time(sec): ≤0.03
換向頻率 Switch over frequency(Hz): ≥17
泄 漏 量 Leakage rate(mL/min): ≤10
壽命(萬次) Working life(10K times): >500
電壓 Voltage(V): AC:380、220、110、36、24 DC:220、110、48、36、24、12